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  • Raymond


    válasz DarkByte #6 üzenetére


    "Yeah, so that's a little bit sad, the way that whole situation has gone. I understand the way it all happened and I can't be too upset about it, but there was a move going to modernize the OpenGL API. It really has a lot of cruft on it right now. I'm quite frank in saying that the DX9+ class Microsoft APIs are a lot better thought out and more consistent than the current state of OpenGL, which has selectors and all these extensions and things that just aren't really clean and nice, and there was a move to go ahead and bring it up to par... [inaudible, loud squeaking door] some directions were perhaps mis-steps, but some things were looking pretty good on there. But, as I understand, what happened was some of the companies on the ARB made the justifiable statement that the major codebases for CAD developers, the 10 million line codebases, the 20 years of ancient history, they're never going to convert to a radically new API. Making a new OpenGL that's not remotely backwards compatible just isn't going to fly, isn't worth doing. And, I disagree with that stance, but not enough to make a scene about it. I do think that there is a need for a non-Microsoft, open, cross platform API that's modern-- we can still do everything we need to with the current OpenGL, it's just kind of a mess. That's not the argument you want to be making. You want to say 'We're using this because it's clean and elegant, and it's better than the alternative,' and that's not really the case..."

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